International Kinesiology College


Kinesiology Techniques IKC Conference

Contact Details

Personal Development School

Application for Workshop Endorsement

This form is to be used for courses up to two days' duration.

One completed submission should go to the Dean of the Personal Development School, and a copy of all items to IKC head office in Australia. “Course” means workshop, class, course, etc. Applications must be made in English. If translation is required, this must be done at the expense of the applicant.

Part 1

Name of applicant
* Required

Name of author
* Required

Contact information
* Required

Name of course
* Required

Amount of classroom hours
* Required

E.g. workbook, home assignments and preparation, etc. Provide details.

The following must be included in the submission:
  • Copy of class manual(s)
  • Copyright statement by author / owner of course
  • Approximation of hours (practical and theory)
  • A list of references and acknowledgements
  • Aims and objectives of the course
  • Advertising and promotion material if available
  • Lesson plan for delivery of class material
  • Learning outcomes for participants
  • Class evaluation / feedback form
  • Details of knowledge assessment, including marking guide (practical, oral, written, case studies) if applicable
  • Prerequisites for participants
  • List of current instructors
  • Copies of certificates currently being issued (specify attendance and / or competency)
  • Submission fee has been included with this submission, or has already been sent to IKC head office (please provide details)
  • If the applicant is not the author of the course or workshop, a letter from the author or copyright owner giving permission for the application must be included in the submission. Please give reasons why the author did not make the application.

Part 2

  1. The PD School Dean and Board will use the following guidelines to determine accreditation / endorsement suitability
  2. The course has been taught to at least 30 people (please provide feedback forms or class rosters)
  3. The course promotes kinesiology and the self responsibility / educational model
  4. A submission fee of €135 has been paid to the IKC
  5. The author accepts and abides by the Aims and Purposes of the IKC, its By Laws and Code of Ethics
  6. Once accredited, course authors agree to issue IKC endorsed certificates to participants attending their courses.
  7. The PD School Dean and Board reserve the right to remove an accredited course from the list of PD School endorsed courses if the course author fails to comply with the conditions of endorsement

Date of submission
* Required

Submission Details

On submission, your application will be sent to the Personal Development School Dean and the IKC Registrar. You should send supporting materials for your submission to them by email including your name, contact information and course details as entered at the top of the form.
You will be sent a link to PayPal for payment of the application fee where you can pay by credit card. Please note: extra fees may apply if your submission is incomplete.

Please allow a minimum of 90 days for processing of applications.

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